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"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

Annelies Decock

Anne Davies studied modern violin at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp, where she graduated in the class of Johannes leertouwer. After this training she drew to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to continue her studies at Marc Destrubé, which her both modern violin as taught Baroque violin at the University of British Columbia. There, she obtained a master's Degree in 2004. Back in Belgium she was in september 2004 student of Sigiswald Kuijken at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels, where her the price Ingeborg Köberle for most meritorious student was awarded. She graduated in 2007 with the highest result ever awarded in the classroom Baroque violin and has since been a much sought-after musician in orchestras and ensembles such as La Petite Bande, Ricercar Consort, Huelgas ensemble, Bach Concentus, Collegium Vocale, Anima Eterna, Il Gardellino, Capriola, Elbipolis, di Goia, Pygmalion, Les Abbagliati, Bach Plus and many other.   She has worked on numerous CD-recordings. In september 2010 she was a guest in the Klara Festival in Brussels with a solo programme in collaboration with harpsichordist Jason N.  She is first violinist of the Quatuor Dialogues.  In the summer of 2013, she was a guest in the BBC Proms series in London with the Huelgas Ensemble.  In July 2014 she took a cd with Chamber music by Anthony Poole, Thomas Baeté o.l.v. with transport Publique, which later this year will come true, and they also did a recording of Flemish Chamber music with Ensemble Apotheosis, o.l.v. Korneel Badger.  Along with her husband, she founded the Baroque ensemble Arcus Coloratus. She gives private instruction in violin and Baroque violin, and recently the webshop ' Miss A & Mister J started including homemade instruments covers and baby clothes.   

Featured on

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Gran Partita
Quatuor Dialogues / Ewald Demeyere